the project-labor, delivery and a baby!

 After roaming the halls, climbing the stairs,
patiently trying to speed up labor while having some fun during the wee hours of the night, I was lucky enough to embrace the process of labor and delivery with someone other than myself.  It is a completely different experience and the beauty was magnified.
And while I will let Lisa and Dave share what images they want from the sacred day, I am privileged to share these few favorites...

When the light was a little bright, these two instantly held up there hands to shield him.  As I stood with chills on my arms, water in my eyes and stared I thought, "wow, from the moment you hold your baby in your arms, you instinctively do anything to protect them.  Anything."
 In case you couldn't tell from the other pictures, this Daddy was beaming allllllll daaaaaay loooooong.  Made everyone around smile.
Looking up above in the reflection of the mirror was the new family of three and their faces of pure joy.
  And now meet ten day over-cooked, 8lb 13 oz, sleepy, beautiful baby
Jude Xavier Forester.  
My darling new nephew!  Thank you, thank you, thank you Dave and Lisa for inviting me in the room.  It is a magical moment I will never forget.  Congratulations!

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